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Request "Your Place" iBillboard

This site will be updated with iBillboards as the come on line. Click here to search our current list by country and town.
We are offering at cost or free of charge iBillboard creation to 50 places in rural areas, third world and developing countries who will partner to coordinate local data entry.
Search for your town to see if an iBillboard has been created

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There are serious errors in your form submission, please see below for details.

Your Name :
Your Email:
Your City:
Your Massege :

Billboard, Advertising, Internet Billboard, iBillBoard, Contact Us,
Melbourne, Kyneton, Edinburgh, Castlemaine, Ballarat, Bendigo, New York, Tokyo, Beijing, London   Our Terms and Conditions

Click on the iBillboard and pick your space and place your logo or business name or initials on iBillboard. The logo will link to your website or service details you provide to us. Initial 200 pixels are free and additional space is offered at great rates. We can also offer a free simple web page for those businesses which do not have a web site.
iBillBoard helps promote local businesses and aims to support where possible within resources any material that is for the general public. We will not support any illicit, adult only or derogatory material.

© 2012 Globalibillboard | A Business Unit of Service Research & Innovation, Victoria, Australia email partners@GlobaliBillboard.com